Breakdown of the deal

The talent acquisition agreement included some intellectual property developed by the team, together with equipment and facilities. The two firms kept the other terms under wraps. The company would continue to collaborate with partners such as Eutelsat as well as pursue its other plans to expand internet access, according to a company spokesperson.

Rocket launches on the rise 

According to our recent research, in the first half of 2021, global orbital rocket launches increased by 44%, with the United States leading the way. Our data shows the global number of orbital rockets launched in the first half of 2021 H1 rose by 43.9% compared to the first half of 2020. With the number of orbital rocket launches standing at 59 this year compared with 41 in 2020. Space missions are becoming increasingly popular, with firms aiming to allow regular individuals to see the orbit without relying on professional astronauts. The number of orbital launches is growing as the public’s interest in space travel rises.