For job seekers, keeping your LinkedIn profile updated is crucial. However, anytime you update your profile, all your connections will get notified unless you secretly do so. This guide discusses why updating your LinkedIn profile secretly is necessary. Also, it presents the steps to updating your LinkedIn profile without your contacts knowing and concludes with common questions regarding updating your LinkedIn profile.
Should You Update Your LinkedIn Profile Secretly?
Keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date is ever a good thing. It helps in updating your skills, experience, certifications, etc. Besides, it’s a good way of targeting a new job. On the negative side, all your updates get broadcasted to all your LinkedIn connections. You will likely annoy people with the many notifications they get with each update. Therefore, it’s best if you turn off the notification feature and secretly update your LinkedIn profile, and we will see how to do that in the next section.
How To Update LinkedIn Profile Without Notifying Contacts
Secretly updating your LinkedIn profile is helpful when you don’t want to over-notify and annoy your LinkedIn connections about the activities on your LinkedIn profile. Follow the steps below to quickly hide the activities on your LinkedIn profile, including the profile changes.
Using the LinkedIn Mobile App
That’s it. All your LinkedIn activities won’t be disclosed to your connections.
Using the LinkedIn Desktop Version
With that, all activities on your LinkedIn, including updating your profile, will remain hidden from everyone. You can now update anything on your profile, including creating new sections, and no one will get notified of the activities happening on your LinkedIn profile. Alternatively, when making updates about a single item on your LinkedIn profile, such as your education, you have the option of notifying your connections about the update. Before clicking the “save” button to make the updates, turn off the “notify network” button at the top or bottom of the screen. The above trick works when you make a single update on your LinkedIn profile and don’t want anyone to know about it. So, always look for the notify option and set it off before saving the updates.
It’s highly recommended that you keep your LinkedIn profile updated every time. The catch is to avoid annoying your connections with notifications about every update you make on your LinkedIn profile. Luckily, we’ve seen why and how you should update your LinkedIn profile secretly to avoid over-notifying your LinkedIn contacts.