There is more to do if you accidentally send a photo or clips to a friend on Snapchat. They may come in handy if you’re using an older version. Read on. The article cracks the different ways you can delete Snapchat messages.

How To Delete Different Unopened Snapchat Snaps

Snapchat deletes messages automatically after a recipient reads them or if it expires. When you’ve sent an embarrassing snap, one can’t wait for the message to disappear. It takes 30 days for unread chats and snaps to disappear. Here are the various ways you can delete the unopened messages instead of waiting for the 30-day period to end.

Deleting an Unopened Snaps

Snapchat has a feature within the conversation area that allows users to delete chats as they converse. The feature also lets users delete any unopened chats or snaps. Once deleted, they disappear. However, the recipients will know you sent a message. To quickly delete the chat or snap before the recipient sees the message The Delete button will erase the text from your end and the recipient’s end. But there’ll be traces of the chat action. The recipient will see that you deleted a text. That’s better than viewing the content of the chat. But remember, the recipient could beat you to it. If the delivery icon says delivered and opened, erasing it will make no difference. They may have read and taken a screenshot of the message. Check whether you can see any red, purple, or blue crossed arrows. If you can see any of these arrows, the recipient screenshot the message.

Erasing an Unopened Picture or Video

Unless you’re using an updated Snapchat app, it may be challenging to delete an unopened picture or video from your conversations. But there are tricks you can use to delete the photo or video.  Here are two tricks to deleting unopened videos or pictures on Snapchat

Method #1: Block the Recipient

You can block the recipient before they open the snap. You only need to block them for a short time, say five minutes. After five minutes, unblock them.  You’ll notice that the delivery status will change to “opened” after unblocking the recipient. It’s opened, but they’ve not viewed the snaps. Ensure you add them back before 24 hours lapse. They’ll be added to your friend list. If the recipient was on the Best Friends list, blocking and re-adding them will erase them from the list. Alternatively, deactivate your account to avoid blocking the recipient.

Method #2: Deactivate or Delete Your Account

If the snap is too mortifying, deactivate your account. That’s a last-ditch measure but necessary if you can’t risk anyone else seeing the content. The steps below are for iOS users, Android users must log in to the accounts portal. You now have 30 days to reactivate your account. Otherwise, after a 30-day period, your account will be deleted permanently.

Wrapping Up

And you have it. Save yourself from a humiliating situation. Hold and delete the unopened snap, block the recipient, or deactivate your account. Share your experiences and how you deal with such messages. 

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