It is worth taking into account that the documents may include emails, agreements and data related to celebrities and other figures from the media. Nonetheless, President Trump has never been a client of the abovementioned firm.  Finbold reported last week that hackers stole celebrities’ data, threatening to release the information if a ransom was not paid as requested. The confirmation came from the New York-based firm which confirmed the leak of information. At that time, the company said it was working in order to solve these issues.  One of the representatives of the firm explained in a statement that the FBI informed that negotiating with or paying a ransom to these criminals represents a violation of federal criminal law. Currently, the firm didn’t provide information regarding the documents that have been leaked or the data that has been stolen. 

Hackers doubled the ransom sum to $42 million

The criminals were asking for $21 million but they have updated the sum to $42 million. As they requested more money, 169 emails were shared on the dark web a few days ago.  Furthermore, none of the emails released contained malicious information related to Trump. This is according to outlets that reportedly had access to the emails. Moreover, the emails which included mentions to President Trump were related to clearances for video and when he was not yet president.  During the last years, a large number of cyberattacks has affected individuals from all over the world. Now that the Coronavirus crisis expanded, law enforcement authorities registered an increase in cyberattacks as well.